Mole Removal


Moles are growths on the skin that are usually brown or black. Moles can appear anywhere on the skin alone or in groups. It is normal to have many moles on various parts of body. As the year pass, moles usually change slowly, becoming raised and or changing colour. Often hair develop on the mole. Some moles may not change at all, while others may slowly disappear over time.


Removed with lasers so as to leave no scars.

Skin tags

A skin tag is a small tissue that hangs of the skin by a connecting stalk. They are usually found on the neck, chest, back, armpits, under the breast or in the groin area. Skin tags appear most often in women, especially with weight gain and in elderly people. They usually don’t cause any pain.


Removed with lasers so as to leave no scars.

Dimple Creation

Dimple creation – Dimpleplasty

Dimples form naturally when there is a small defect in the cheek musculature. The skin that lies over this defect gets wedged down to the underlying connective tissue. When you smile, this causes dimples to form. With dimple creation surgery, we mimic this natural occurring process. A small incision is made to the inner lining of the cheek, and a small suture is passed through where the dimple is desired. Then this suture is tied, catching the surface under the skin, causing a dimple to form. In some cases, a small chuck of soft tissue may be removed to further enhance the dimple.

Who is the best candidate for Dimple Creation?

By removing different amount of cheek muscles, it can be performed on any type of cheek, let it be chubby or skinny.

The surgeon can customize the dimples to match the appearance of rest of the facial features and can be made slightly smaller or larger depending on one’s desire.

What can I expect from the surgery?

  • Dimple creation surgery takes about 30 minutes to perform. You can expect to go home right after the procedure and continue with your routine the next day.
  • Dimple creation is a safe and straightforward procedure, with minimal complications. However, it is also somewhat reversible, depending on some variables.
  • A little swelling and bruising can be expected. It is also necessary to take antibiotics for some days after the procedure.
  • It will take anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of months for surgically made dimples to look natural. At first, the dimple will be visible when you are not smiling.
  • Facial movements might at first be slightly hindered and impaired. It is advisable to restrict activities and sleep with your head elevated for the first couple of days.
  • You can decide where and how deep you want your dimple to be. You can also decide if you want just one or two dimples.

Benefits Of Dimple Creation

  • One of the biggest advantages of dimpleplasty is that it can be performed on absolutely anyone, irrespective of the size of cheeks.
  • The procedure takes about an hour with very minimal recovery time.
  • It is also a reversible and safe procedure.
  • It gives your youthfulness, natural look, enhances confidence.

Lip Surgery

Lip Reduction and Lip Augmentation

A friendly and a warm smile make socializing easy. Your smile marks your personality and lips play a significant role in it. Shaped lips are an integral part of a person’s face. However, too large, or too thin lips may require lip contouring or lip shaping. Lip correction can be a non-surgical as well as a surgical procedure. However, too large, or too thin lips may require lip contouring or lip shaping.Lip correction can be a non- surgical as well as a surgical procedure. For a optimum result, lip contouring surgery is considered.


Lip shaping surgery is done to alter the appearance and size of lips. It may be performed alone or in combination with other facial plastic surgeries such as facelift, rhinoplasty, chin augmentation or jaw augmentation. Lip contouring employs both lip reduction and lip augmentation technique depending on patient’s requirement. Let us learn about both the methods in detail.

  • Lip reduction – Lip reduction or reduction cheiloplasty is a cosmetic surgery to reduce the size of protruding or abnormally large lips.
  • Lip augmentation- Lip augmentation is the procedure that will make your lips sensual, fuller and bigger.

Ear Surgery

Ear surgery – otoplasty

Protuberant ears can be a devastating aesthetic deformity. Otoplasty is a simple straight forward procedure, which can give the ears a natural shape, orientation and configuration, and have dramatic positive effects on one's self esteem.

    There are two principal conditions that require Otoplasty for cosmetic reasons. These may exist in isolation or in combination.

  • A "lop-ear deformity" refers to the absence of an ear-cartilage fold known as the antihelix, which is the smaller curved inner ridge of the ear that parallels the outer curve of the ear. This type of deformity presents as an abnormally shaped ear that tends to flop forward.
  • The second common condition is a "cup-ear deformity," which refers to the exuberant cup-like cartilage bowl that resides near the actual ear canal that in turn makes the ear project out excessively.
  • Surgery involves identifying the exact cosmetic problem and intervening in a targeted approach and on a timely basis.

Who is the best candidate for Ear Reshaping?

    The need for EAR RESHAPING

  • If you are born with overly big or small ears.
  • If your ears are disproportionate in context to your head or oddly located.
  • If your ears bulge out noticeably.
  • If you have wretched with an injury that has negatively impacted the shape or positioning of the ears
  • Children are common patients for otoplasty.if and when the ears have reached their full size, which usually happens around age six.
  • A set-back otoplasty, is a procedure to reduce the prominence of ears that bulge out too much, can be performed on both adults as well as children.

Advantages of EAR RESHAPING

  • Otoplasty can improvise the shape and proportion of the ears.
  • A ear surgery can enhance self-confidence
  • It is a minimal-risk procedure that can be also performed on children over the age of five.
  • The biggest of EAR RESHAPING is that the outcome normally lasts for a lifetime with minimal fluctuations.
  • Chin surgery

    Chin surgery – mentoplasty

    Men and women who have recessed chin, fleshy neck or prominent nose can go for Chin augmentation surgery that can give them defined jaw and balanced appearance of a large nose. The people who have big chin can go for chin reduction surgery to make their jaws appear less prominent. The women who want to go for chin augmentation surgery should be in good health and should not be suffering from cardiac problems or hypertension. Chin implants surgeries are gaining popularity in men also because it makes them look stronger and more handsome with a bold jaw line.

    Who is the best candidate for Chin Remodeling?

      The need for chin remodeling:

    • If having a weak, receding chin and want to make it more projectable and improve the jawline.
    • To escalate the definition and obtain fullness of cheeks.
    • To restore the shape and proportion of facial features which have become dull due to aging
    • To improve facial asymmetry or deformities resulting from injury or congenital conditions

    About Chin Augmentation Surgery

    A weak chin makes the neck appear fleshy. It accentuates the size of a normal nose and makes a large nose seem especially big. Chin enlargement through chin implant surgery brings the facial features into harmony and balances the overall facial structure.

    Chin augmentation surgery creates a stronger profile or more balanced facial features. The procedure is often part of a comprehensive facial plastic surgery plan that includes cosmetic enhancement of the nose.

    Chin Augmentation Procedure

    Recessive chin enlargement surgery uses chin implants to supplement the existing bone at the front of the jaw beneath the teeth. The artificial implant sits under the skin and gives a permanent boost to the strength and definition of the chin. This augmentation method can give patients a pleasing, well-proportioned look that seems completely natural. A cosmetic chin enlargement procedure is generally performed on an outpatient basis at the surgeon's facility, but may be performed at a hospital. The length of time the procedure takes depends on several factors, but is usually from 45 minutes to an hour and a half.

    The Chin Augmentation Surgery Advantage

      Cosmetic chin surgery is an excellent option for anyone who feels that their chin is not shaped right in relation to the rest of the face. Good candidates for the procedure include those who have a:

    • Recessed chin
    • Pointed or squared chin
    • Prominent nose
    • Fleshy neck

    Benefits of Chin Augmentation

    • Simple procedure
    • Improves the profile view of a face
    • The implant can be removed if you don’t like it
    • No visible scar on the face as it is done through a small incision under the chin.


    Blepharoplasty: Eyelid Surgery

    Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to reduces the bagginess from lower eyelids and remove the bulging fat, excess of skin and soft muscles from upper eyelids or lower eyelids. Mostly it is done for aesthetic reasons but also improves the eyesight of older individuals whose vision gets affected due to sagging upper eyelids.

    Eyes are the first feature noticed by someone looking at your face. Eyes are an essential aspect of your appearance. However, it is the same area where the signs of aging appear first. As skin gradually ages it loses elasticity. Gravity and loss of elasticity cause the excess of skin to collect on upper as well as lower eyelids. Eyelids get loose and sag. Underneath the eyes, puffy bags appear. Excess of loose skin around eyes gets wrinkled and fine lines appear. Also, the fats cushioning eyeballs bulges in the lower and upper eyelids. All these changes make the person look tired and old. In some people, extra skin folds hanging over the eyelashes get in their way of vision.

    Causes: Why is Blepharoplasty done

    You should consider blepharoplasty if you have:

    • Droopy upper eyelids
    • Irritation caused due to the rubbing of the excess folds of eyelid skin
    • Sagging upper eyelids interfere with your peripheral vision.
    • You have bags under lower eyelids
    • To improve the contour of the eyelids
    • There is excess skin on your lower eyelids

    Who Are Good Candidates For Eyelid Surgery?

    People with good health, realistic expectations and without any severe eye conditions are considered best candidates for blepharoplasty. The individual should not suffer from any medical issues that may impair healing and should be a non- smoker.

    Most of the candidates are 35 years or older. However, if droopy or baggy eyes runs in your family, you may need to decide sooner.

    What result To Expect

    In most of the cases, blepharoplasty gives satisfactory results. You get a refreshing and youthful look that will boost your confidence. There is no more excess skin and droopy eyelids.The bruising and swelling subside in 10 to 14 days. Surgical cut scars may take a month to fade.

    Depending on your health the result of blepharoplasty may last for as long as ten years or more. But as aging continues, in future, you may need to repeat the procedure.


    Rhinoplasty – nose job

    The nose is one of the most distinctive features of our face. Needless to say that its basic function is essential in our day to day life. But what happens when we are unhappy with the way our nose looks, or have certain functional defects of the nose that make it difficult for us to breathe? This may damage the quality of life!

    A Rhinoplasty Surgeon can correct physiological defects that hamper your ability to breathe without difficulty. It can also redefine the shape of your nose to enhance its shape and appearance.

    Rhinoplasty surgery or, in layman’s term a ‘nose job’ is a cosmetic surgery procedure to either change the shape of the nose or improve its functionality. A cosmetic surgeon corrects/reconstructs the form of the nose while restoring the functions and enhances the aesthetics of the nose by performing a rhinoplasty. A Rhinoplasty repairs or resolves difficulties caused by nasal trauma (blunt, penetrating, blast) or birth defects and respiratory impairment. Many times, a revisional rhinoplasty surgery is performed on the nose to correct a previously failed primary surgery to improve its function or for aesthetic reasons.

    Reasons for Rhinoplasty

    People usually have a rhinoplasty to repair the shape of their nose after an injury, to improve breathing problems or a congenital defect, or because simply because they’re unhappy with the appearance of their nose.

      Your Nose Surgery Doctors can bring about the below mentioned changes to your nose through rhinoplasty:

    • size change
    • angle change
    • straightening the bridge of the nose
    • reshaping the tip of the nose
    • narrowing the nasal base or nostrils

    All surgeries, whether cosmetic or general, carry a certain amount of risks. These may include bleeding, reaction to anesthesia or infection. Rhinoplasty may also have an increased risk of:

    • difficulty in breathing
    • numbing of the nose
    • nosebleeds
    • scars
    • asymmetrical nose

    Occasionally, patients aren’t satisfied with the results of their surgery. In this case, revisional surgery can be performed. If you are going for a second surgery, you will need to wait until your nose has fully healed before getting operated again. This may take up to a year.

    Brow Lift

    Brow lift – forehead lift

    Beautiful eyebrows are one of the most feminine facial features. Accentuating and highlighting the eyes, properly shaped and positioned eyebrows can give the entire face a more naturally youthful, feminine and attractive appearance. If your eyebrows appear hooded or aged, a Forehead Lift or a Brow Lift may be the best solution. You’ll be amazed at the difference this simple procedure can make in your appearance

    Suitable candidate for BROW LIFT :

    The need for BROW LIFT

    • Saggy or low eyebrow position creating a tired sad and grumpy look.
    • Deep horizontal creases developed across the forehead.
    • Frown lines or furrows seen between the eyebrows or across the top of your nose.
    • Excess skin or fatty tissue hanging over the eyes.
    • The central portion of the brow hanging down, making an angry appearance.
    • Females unable to apply makeup on the upper eyelid, since the surface area is showing drooping tissues due to signs of aging.

    Brow Lifts and Forehead Lifts are procedures that are designed to rejuvenate the eyebrows (Brows) and forehead by elevating the eyebrows to a more aesthetically pleasing position. Brow Lifts may also be used to soften the lines and wrinkles on the forehead that can make a person appear angry, sad or tired. This restores a more rested, natural and youthful appearance to the eyes and face.

    Various methods available for BROW LIFT :

      Open BROW LIFT :

    • A long incision is made across the forehead, either around the hairline or in one of the creases of the forehead, which uplifts the skin away from the underlying tissues. The muscles are tightened and fat is removed.
    • Along with any excess skin, the remaining skin is pulled down, and the brow is stitched into its new position.

      Endoscopic BROW LIFT

    • The surgeon will insert an endoscope (a long, thin tube with a light at the end attached to a video camera) through several small incisions in the scalp. This allows the surgeon to see and work on the various internal structures of the forehead.
    • The advantage of endoscopic technique is it requires minimal incisions, but it may not be equally beneficial for all sorts of patients.

      Open coronal technique.

    • The incision is done at the top of the scalp, starting above the ears and concealed within the hair.

      Endoscopic forehead lift:

    • Includes three short incisions along the top of the scalp and a temple incision on each side. These incisions can be totally covered within the hair.

      Limited incision technique:

      The incisions will be concealed in the temporal hairline (temples). If the forehead lift is done in combination with an upper blepharoplasty, upper eyelid incisions will be used to complete the forehead lift by treating 'frown' lines between the eyebrows and uplifting the inside part of the eyebrows.

    Benefits Of Brow Lift

    • Helps to reposition a low or saggy brow that hangs over the upper eyelid.
    • Raises the eyebrows to a more attractive and youthful appearance.
    • Makes one look cheerful, pleasant and easily approachable.

    Neck Lift

    Neck lift – platysmaplasty

    Neck lift is also commonly known as platysmaplasty or cervicoplasty.

    The neck is subject to the same age-related changes that the face is, and it is just as difficult to conceal them. If you are experiencing any of the following conditions, then you may want to consider a necklift


    • Damaged neck skin due to sun exposure.
    • Excess neck skin or neck fat.
    • A turkey wattle that makes you look much older than your real age.
    • Excess wrinkles on your neck
    • A double chin or too much skin under the jaws.
    • Too many lines and folds developed on the neck.

    Chin and Neck Liposuction Procedure

    One of the most recognizable features of youthful appearance is a clearly defined jaw line and an appealing angle from the chin to neck. When these features are shapeless, the result can make a person appear older or heavier than they feel.

    If you are concerned with the appearance of your jaw, chin, and/or neck region due to softness or lack of definition, liposuction may be able to help alleviate these issues. Best suited for those with minimal excess skin, liposuction of the neck is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that removes fatty tissue through inconspicuous incisions using a suction device specifically created for this purpose.

    Benefits of Neck Lift

    Advantages of Neck Lift

    • It can remarkably improve your neck and jawline.
    • Makes a person look years younger.
    • It can also give an impression of weight loss.
    • It enhances your confidence.

    Disadvantages of NECK LIFT

    • The neck may feel a bit stiff for months after surgery.
    • There is a possibility of fluid accumulation or bleeding post-surgery.
    • It may make your other facial features look more aged compared to the neck after a neck lift.

    Face Lift

    Facelift Surgery – Rhytidectomy

    Facial rejuvenation, also known as rhytidectomy is the surgery performed to tighten the skin on the face & neck and the removal of fat from underneath the skin to make look patient much younger.

    Are you a candidate Face Lift Surgery ?

    The best candidate for a face lift surgery is a woman or a man whose –

    • Face and neck skin have begun to sag
    • Jowls or loss of a well-defined jaw line
    • Deep wrinkles in the cheeks
    • Skin still has some elasticity
    • Bone structure is strong and well defined

    Face Lift Procedure

    Individual factors and personal preferences will determine the specific technique selected for your face lift surgery. Done under a general anesthetic, you should be prepared to spend one night in hospital. Generally, an incision is made that can be hidden in the natural contour of your ear, then extending around the earlobe and back into the hairline. Through these discreet incisions, your surgeon will free the skin from the underlying tissue. After the skin has been pulled up and back, the excess is removed. In some instances, the deeper tissues may also need to be re positioned. The face lift procedure may also include the removal of fatty tissue from the area underneath the chin.

    What To Expect: After the surgery, your face is bandaged sparing your eyes, nostrils, and lips. In 1-2 days the dressing is removed. In case a drainage tube was placed it is removed in 1-2 days. If non-dissolving sutures are applied, they are removed in 5-10 days. Swelling and bruises are common after the surgery and will take a few weeks to fade. Your face may feel stiff and skin dry and rough for a few days. Scars are disguised in natural skin creases and hairlines and as the time passes they fade. Complete recovery takes 2-3 weeks. You may get back to your regular activities after 2-3 weeks of facelift surgery. Rhytidectomy correct facial flaws and signs of aging. The effect lasts for 10 to 15 years. You may require non-surgical procedures such as Dermal filler, Laser treatments and Anti-wrinkle injections to maintain the effect. Also, maintain a stable weight to make results look best.