

Mesotherapy is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure where multiple micro injections of a substance (vitamin/mineral/amino acid) is given to a chosen area. It is introduced into the mesoderm(middle layer of the skin), the layer of fat and tissue underneath the skin.

Mesotherapy can also be applied on the face to prevent and treat signs of aging and rejuvenate the entire area, bringing out a natural glow that will catch everyone’s eye.Mesotherapyrefurbishes the skin with a special cocktail of nutrients such as hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals and amino-acids to boost its appearance with wonderful results. As a result, your face regains its natural elasticity, shape and glow. Since this non-invasive treatment replenishes naturally-occurring substances required by the skin to rehydrate and repair imperfections, the results are quick and long-lasting


Facial mesotherapy combats sagging and ageing of the skin, improves wrinkles, and also gives luminosity to the face. It does this by stimulating the skin tissue, firming and toning. It restructures mature skin, repairs post-traumatic skin imperfections and increases the elasticity and hydration of the skin.

Today, mesotherapy is used to:

  • remove fat in areas like the stomach, thighs, buttocks, hips, legs, arms, and face
  • reduce cellulite
  • fade wrinkles and lines
  • tighten loose skin
  • lighten pigmented skin

Dark Circle Removal

Dark Circle Reduction

Dark under-eye circles are an easily recognizable condition that can result from stress, fatigue, heredity, aging, and other factors. Dark circles appear under the eyes more often on older individuals as the skin around the eyes loses elasticity.

Because the skin around the eyes is subjected to more stress than most other areas of the skin, this is one of the earliest problem areas for many patients. There are a variety of treatments available that can remedy the condition, and most are relatively non-invasive.


There are a variety of treatments available for dark under-eye circles.

Laser resurfacing and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL™) treatments are good options because they can reduce or eliminate the appearance of prominent veins and capillaries.

Chemical peels, too, can be effective in rejuvenating skin around the eyes to eliminate dark circles by exfoliating damaged upper layers of skin to reveal new, healthier skin.

Injectable dermal filler procedures such as collagen injection and fat transfer can be used to augment recessed areas to eliminate the shadowing that can give the appearance of dark undereye circles.

Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a procedure in which an acid solution is used to remove dead and damaged upper skin layers to smooth and refine the skin’s texture. When performed by a skilled professional, a chemical peel can safely reduce wrinkles and correct skin tone

The chemical peel is one of the oldest cosmetic procedures in the world, and was performed in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome to help people achieve smoother, more beautiful skin. Today, chemical facial peels are popular because they offer nearly immediate results and can be performed as an outpatient procedure.


In general, patients with fair skin and light hair are the best chemical peel candidates. However, patients with other skin pigmentation and hair color can achieve good results as well. Ideal candidates for the chemical peel procedure are individuals who are unhappy with the appearance of their skin, have realistic expectations of their procedure, and do not smoke.


A chemical facial peel can provide several benefits to the skin. The procedure can restore a more youthful appearance to skin and reduce wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, sun-damage, and blotchy patches.

Vaginal rejuvenation with laser

Vaginal rejuvenation with laser

The term vaginal rejuvenation covers several different procedures. It is sometimes called female genital plastic surgery, female genital rejuvenation surgery, female genital cosmetic surgery, vulvovaginal plastic surgery and designer vagina surgery, among other terms. Among the procedures that comprise female genital plastic surgery are labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, labia majoraplasty, monsplasty and vaginoplasty. Before discussing each one, it is important to look at the anatomy.


  • Tighten and tone loose and sagging vaginal and labial area
  • Proven technology for safe, accurate and effective results
  • Pain free vaginal remodeling and stress urinary incontinence
  • Lunch break procedure at the gynecologist clinic (15 – 30 min)
  • Long lasting results
  • No need for anesthetics
  • Improves vaginal dryness
  • Pain free treatment
  • 3 to 4 treatment sittings for more than 90% treatment. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Gynaecologist.

Labia reduction

Labia reduction

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that involves reducing the size of the labia minora, or vaginal lips. Vaginal anatomy varies considerably among women and can change over time, particularly after childbirth. Larger or uneven vaginal lips can cause a variety of problems that are easily fixed with simple cosmetic gynecological surgery.

Larger labia are an important aesthetic concern for many women. Excess or uneven labial tissue may be embarrassing. Women who are unhappy with their labial size or shape may have difficulty sharing sexual experiences with others because they are self-conscious. Larger labia can also be visible when a woman wears a bathing suit or tight pants. Upsetting for many, this is often a particular concern for lifeguards for women who wear bikinis, and any woman who may be required to wear tight costumes or uniforms on a regular basis. For these women, undergoing a procedure to reduce the size of their labia can have a positive effect on both their private and professional lives.

The benefits of labial reduction are not only aesthetic. Tight clothing can irritate larger vaginal lips, making a woman uncomfortable while working, exercising, or even performing the tasks of daily life. A long labia can also a cause for pain during sexual intercourse, making an otherwise enjoyable experience extremely uncomfortable.

Vagina tightening

Vagina tightening

A vaginoplasty surgery tries to bring separated muscles back together, thereby tightening the vagina in the process which has become loose due to vaginal or natural childbirth and or due to aging. The additional mucosa skin is removed from behind the vagina. A vaginoplasty surgery is also done to treat malignant growths such as cancer and abscesses or in other words accumulation of pus inside the tissue of the concerned patient.

Who is eligible for the treatment? (When is the treatment done?)

All those born with malformed vagina’s or those with loose vagina as a result of natural childbirth are eligible to go for this surgery.

Who is not eligible for the treatment?

All those below 18 years of age are not eligible to go for irreversible genital reconstructive surgery or vaginoplasty surgery.



Hymenoplasty is the way to Reestablish the torn hymen intactness through which the indication of virginity can be presumed. Either person is an unmarried young lady who had enjoyed pre-marriage sex or who involved in physical activities like sports etc. A method for hymenoplasty by utilising the leftovers of torn hymen and reconstructing it.

Who Needs A Hymenoplasty?

Usually, women seek hymenoplasty for cultural and religious reasons. In most cases, the person would have lost her virginity in intercourse and wants to restore it before her marriage. In some cases, the girl would have lost her hymen due to non-sexual activities, but yet again due to the religious or social norms, they find it imperative to repair the hymen. A gynaecological exam is also necessary to determine if your hymen can be restored or not

  • Those who have ruptured their hymen due to sex or other activities
  • Those who are above 18 years of age
  • Women who are healthy and don’t suffer from any serious illnesses

Who is not eligible for the treatment?

In case the woman is suffering from cancer of the genital or venereal diseases, only then she is not eligible for the treatment.

What are the alternatives to the treatment?

There are a couple of other alternatives to hymenoplasty such as:

Laser vaginal rejuvenation – In this procedure, laser beams are used to fix the torn hymen. This is also a non-invasive process, which is more comfortable and has a shorter recovery period.

Vaginoplasty – In this approach, the surgeon will tighten the vaginal tissue to create a healed hymen.

Laser skin rejuvenation

Laser skin rejuvenation

Laser resurfacing is a skin resurfacing procedure that uses a laser to improve the appearance of your skin or treat minor facial flaws by removing layers of skin. Laser resurfacing can be done with: Ablative laser. … Types of ablative treatments include the carbon dioxide (CO2) laser and the erbium laser.

The technique directs short, concentrated pulsating beams of light at irregular skin, precisely removing skin layer by layer. This popular procedure is also called lasabrasion, laser peel, or laser vaporization.

Who Is a Good Candidate For Laser Resurfacing?

If you have fine lines or wrinkles around your eyes or mouth or on your forehead, shallow scars from acne, or non-responsive skin after a facelift, then you may be a good candidate for laser skin resurfacing.

If you have acne or if you have very dark skin, you may not be a candidate. This technique is also not recommended for stretch marks. You should discuss whether laser resurfacing is right for you by consulting with the doctor before having the procedure done.

What to expect from the procedure

Laser skin resurfacing targets the outer layer of your skin while simultaneously heating the lower layers in the dermis. This will promote collagen production.

Ideally, new collagen fibers will help produce new skin that is smoother in texture and firmer to the touch.

The procedure involves the following steps:

  • Before laser skin resurfacing, your skin needs to be prepared. This involves a series of treatments done several weeks prior to the procedure. The purpose is to increase your skin’s tolerance to professional treatments. It can also decrease your risk for side effects.
  • On the day of the procedure, your doctor will apply a topical anesthetic to the area being treated. This is used to reduce pain and make you more comfortable during the procedure. If a large area of skin is being treated, your doctor may suggest a sedative or pain killers.
  • Next, the skin is cleansed to remove any excess oil, dirt, and bacteria.
  • Your doctor begins the treatment, using the selected laser. The laser is moved slowly around the designated area of skin.
  • Finally, your doctor will dress the treatment area in wraps to help protect the skin at the end of the procedure.

Carbon Laser Peel

Carbon Laser Peel

A Carbon laser facial is a type of treatment for the face and claims to leave skin softer, firmer and smoother.

It is a non-invasive procedure and is sometimes called the charcoal facial or charcoal peel.It’s claimed the carbon absorbs contaminants, and when the laser destroys the carbon it gets rid of these too.The laser is also said to remove dead skin cells, blackheads and oil.

What are the benefits of the charcoal peel rejuvenation?

The laser treatment is suitable for all ages and can lighten age spots and dark spots, fade freckles, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, shrink pores, and remove blackheads and acne.

“It can also lift and tighten the skin, improve elasticity, moisturise and give a bright and radiant complexion.”

    The benefits of the treatment are said to include:

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Tightens dilated pores
  • Reduces acne, scars and post acne discoloration
  • Removes dead skin cells from the superficial epidermal layer
  • Stimulates collagen growth
  • Improves skin texture

Laser scar removal

Laser scar removal

Laser treatment for scars reduces the appearance of scars. It uses focused light therapy to either remove the outer layer of the skin’s surface or stimulate the production of new skin cells to cover damaged skin cells. Laser treatment for scars can reduce the appearance of warts, skin wrinkles, age spots, scars, and keloids. It doesn’t completely remove a scar.


The Benefits of Laser Scar Removal. Laser scar removal uses a focused beam of light to vaporize and remove scarred layers of skin or stimulate collagen growth. It is a popular treatment that’s highly effective on the correct types of scars. Laser treatment typically can reduce the visibility of scars by up to 80%.

What to expect after laser treatment for scars

Recovery times vary, but it may take 3 to 10 days for your skin to heal. Your doctor will provide aftercare instructions immediately following treatment. These may include the following:

  • Avoid direct sunlight for four to six weeks after the procedure.
  • Apply a cold pack or moist cloth to the area to reduce swelling.
  • Take over-the-counter pain medication when needed.
  • Wash and apply moisturizer daily.
  • For facial procedures, you may need to avoid makeup for a few days.